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To start export business, the following steps may be followed :
1) Establishing an Organisation.
2) Opening a Bank Account.
3) Obtain Permanent Account Number (PAN)
4) Obtain Importer-Exporter Code (IEC) Number.
5) Obtain Registration cum membership certificate (RCMC)
6) Select products to Export
7) Select Markets
8) Find Buyers
9) Do Sampling
10) Pricing/Costing depend on Market and Products
11) Negotiation with Buyers
12) Cover Risks through ECGC
FAQ Categories
Contrary to popular belief, freezing spices and herbs is not necessarily beneficial. In fact, it may cause more harm than good due to condensation. When you take a jar or bag of spices out of the freezer, condensation can form on the surface, leading to the introduction of unwanted moisture. This is why ground spices have a shorter shelf life compared to whole spices or seeds. Therefore, it’s best to avoid freezing spices and herbs altogether.
Some individuals prefer to store red spices such as chili powder, cayenne pepper, and paprika in the refrigerator to preserve their color and flavor. However, as mentioned above, about storing food in the freezer, storing these spices in the refrigerator can do more harm than good. The moisture in the refrigerator can cause these spices to clump together and lose their potency over time. It’s best to store these spices in a cool, dry place, such as a pantry or spice cabinet, away from direct sunlight and heat sources. This will help to maintain their flavor and texture for a longer period of time.
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Garlic powder is made from garlic cloves that have been dehydrated and ground into fine particles. The flavor is garlicky but vastly different than fresh-chopped garlic. It tastes sweeter and much less assertive than fresh garlic, but also without the caramelly undertones that you get from roasted or sautéd garlic.