Sri Dhanalakshmi Industries
Tamilnadu Sivakasi
SRI DHANALAKSHMI INDUSTRIES is located at Sivakasi in India, Tamilnadu . They are Spice Suppliers, Spice Traders, Spice Wholesalers of Bay Leaves, Cardamom, Clove, Cumin Seeds, Fennel Seeds, Fenugreek, Mace, Nutmeg, Red Pepper ( Chili ), Turmeric etc. in Ground Spice, Whole Spice forms. Their main business region is India. The company achieved SHEFEXIL, Spices Board - India certificates. SRI DHANALAKSHMI INDUSTRIES Established in the year 1976 by Mr.A.M.Grahadurai, is one of the Small Business Groups in India.
Sri Dhanalakshmi Industries
126, AKP Middle Street,
Sivakasi – 626189
Tamilnadu, India.
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Spice Suppliers, Spice Traders, Spice WholesalersSales, Purchase, Exporting & Importing Regions Asia, India
Major Spices
Bay Leaves, Cardamom, Clove, Cumin Seeds, Fennel Seeds, Fenugreek, Mace, Nutmeg, Red Pepper ( Chili ), TurmericSpice Forms Ground Spice, Whole Spice
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