Sapro LLC Baku Azerbaijan - Spice Exporters Manufacturers

Sapro LLC

Baku Azerbaijan

Sapro LLC is located at Baku in Azerbaijan . They are Spice Exporters, Spice Manufacturers of Liquorice Licorice Mulethi, Saffron etc. in Whole Spice form. Their main business regions are Africa, Canada, Egypt, Europe, GCC, Germany, Greece, Middle East, New Zealand, North America, Oceania, South Korea, UAE, UK United Kingdom, USA etc. The company achieved ISO certificate.

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Location Address :
Apartment 43, building 35
Neftchi Gurban street
Sabail, Baku
Index AZ1004

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Company Message

SAPRO LTD is involved in the collection, processing of licorice root, as well as in the production and export of various types of products Our company is one of the few that has received special permission to collect wild medicinal plants in the form of raw materials, which has a license for the collection and processing of licorice root. Although Azerbaijani licorice root has been exported for over a hundred years, there is very little information about it on the world market today. Therefore, our goal is not only to make a profit. We can proudly say that the licorice root growing in Azerbaijan has high qualities that are not inherent in the licorice root growing in other rare territories. Thanks to the land of Azerbaijan, our licorice root has unique properties that are valued throughout the world. Our partners are large manufacturers and consumers of Europe, Japan, South Korea, India, Monaco and many other countries. Our company presents you a product unique in its quality that nature gives us, and we will improve and offer it to improve the quality of your life. Licorice root (licorice) – a perennial herb; species of the genus Licorice (Glycyrrhiza) of the Legume family (Fabaceae). Licorice is widely used as a medicinal, food and industrial plant, as a foaming agent. The content of glycyrrhizic acid (GA) in the roots of licorice growing in Azerbaijan is 3.2% – 4%, which is a very large indicator of the quality of our products. Roots and rhizomes have therapeutic value.


Sales, Purchase, Exporting & Importing Regions
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  • Major Spices

    Liquorice Licorice Mulethi, SaffronSpice Forms Whole Spice



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