Priya Trading House Gurugram Haryana India - Spice Exporters Suppliers Traders Wholesalers

Priya Trading House

Gurugram Haryana India

Priya Trading House is located at Gurugram in Haryana, India . They are Spice Exporters, Spice Suppliers, Spice Traders, Spice Wholesalers of Black Pepper, Chiles, Flax seeds, Mustard etc. in Ground Spice, Whole Spice forms. Their main business regions are Asia, Japan, Nepal etc. The company achieved FSSAI certificate. Priya Trading House is established in the year 1990.

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Location Address :
Priya Trading House
C/O Balaji Warehousing, Unit No.-22/2/1,22/2/3,23/2,24/2,22/12/2,
Village-Khetawas, Wazirpur,Farukh nagar,

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Company Message

We are having traditionally business of Spice, Herbs and dry fruits. We have family shops at Asia largest market called Khadi Bawoli and at Patna Marufganj. Basically we are doing such business since 80 years. Now last 10 years we have started export business on off basis.


Sales, Purchase, Exporting & Importing Regions
  • List is given below
  • Major Spices

    Spice Forms Ground Spice, Whole Spice



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