Jahrom Green Kian Jahrom Iran - Spice Exporters Manufacturers Traders

Jahrom Green Kian

Jahrom Iran

Jahrom Green Kian is located at Jahrom in Iran . They are Spice Exporters, Spice Manufacturers, Spice Suppliers, Spice Traders of Asafoetida in Ground Spice, Spice Oil and Oleoresins, Whole Spice forms. Their main business regions are Afghanistan, Asia, Austria, Europe, Germany, India, Iran, UK United Kingdom etc. Jahrom Green Kian established in the year 1998.

Company Message :The company is looking for a long-term process and a great experience in this field at planting and collection of medicinal plants and fruits 100% natural, ancient country of Iran and By applying modern science using advanced and modern machineries and With dedicated and professional forces and With experience in manufacturing and processing under strict control of microbial and chemical products and specialized laboratory, Was founded in 2011 with the aim to export quality products. This company enjoys abundant experiences And technical knowledge Technology and expertise, Has always tried, The level of excellence and promote the development of medicinal plants in the country. In the world’s top manufacturers of the highest quality and fit with national and international standards.

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Location Address :
Jahrom Green Kian
Unit 1, Ground floor of Ghasvarian commercial & residential building,
Corner of Nabovat square,
Enqelab Blvd, Jahrom

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Spice Exporters, Spice Manufacturers, Spice Suppliers, Spice Traders
Sales, Purchase, Exporting & Importing Regions Afghanistan, Asia, Austria, Europe, Germany, India, Iran, UK United Kingdom

Major Spices

Spice Forms Ground Spice, Spice Oil and Oleoresins, Whole Spice


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