Required Spices in Bulk - Enquiry From Braila Romania - Spice Exporters Directory

Required Spices in Bulk – Enquiry From Braila Romania

Requirement :
We are a company interested in buying the following spices :

3,800 Kg Garlic Flakes
8,000 Kg Garlic Granules G2
1,600 Kg Black Pepper Whole 500 G/l
3,900 Kg Black Pepper Ground
1,100 Kg Chilli Crushed Without Seeds
350 Kg White Pepper Whole
800 Kg White Pepper Ground
300 Kg Ginger Powder
350 Kg Nutmeg Ground
550 Kg Chilli Ground
350 Kg Chilli Seeeds
175 Kg Red Paprika Flakes
200 Kg Red Paprika Granules
700 Kg Sweet Paprika Powder Asta 120
300 Kg Sweet Paprika Powder Asta 180
550 Kg Sweet Paprika Powder Asta 60
375 Kg Sweet Paprika Powder Asta 80
50 Kg Cardamon Ground
50 Kg Allspice Whole
125 Kg Allspice Ground
50 Kg Cloves

Post Date : 08 Apr 2022

Company : A&C Network SRL
City / Country : Braila Romania
Phone No. :  +40744502792

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