Required Spent of black pepper - Enquiry From Saint-Petersburg Russia - Spice Exporters Directory

Required Spent of black pepper – Enquiry From Saint-Petersburg Russia

Requirement :
We have been working many years with India, buying various spent as well as different oleoresins in mixed containers. Mainly we were cooperating with Plant Lipids, but because they moved their facility for black pepper extraction to Sri-Lanka, they are lacking black pepper spent in India. So nowadays we can not buy spent as we would like to. We know that your company may provide something of it.

Could you please provide your price (FOB and if you may provide CFR Novorossiisk):

Spent of black pepper (with photo!)

Post Date : 06 Jun 2022

Company : Baltimport Co. LTD
City / Country : Saint-Petersburg Russia
Phone No. :  +7 9667881208

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