Looking to procure blue poppy seeds - Enquiry From Paris, France - Spice Exporters Directory

Looking to procure blue poppy seeds – Enquiry From Paris, France

Requirement :
Good day Team
My self Naveen Egamparam, I am a Buyer in Guerbet (pharmaceutical company), We are currently looking to procure blue poppy seeds to be used in our production.
Kindly provide us the below information.

Kindly provide us the specification / grade of the poppy seed.
Sourcing of the poppy seeds : Single sourced / multisource – with locations.
Annual production capacity :
Minimum delivery time required from placing the PO (destination France) :

Have a great day ahead.

Post Date : 22 Aug 2020

Company : Guerbet
City / Country : Paris, France
Phone No. :  +33145914491

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