Verve and Valiant Limited Lagos Nigeria - Spice Exporters

Verve and Valiant Limited

Lagos Nigeria

Verve and Valiant Limited is located at Lagos in Nigeria . They are Spice Exporters of Ginger, Hibiscus etc. in Ground Spice, Whole Spice forms. Their main business regions are Asia, China, Czech Republic, El Salvador, Europe, Germany, Guatemala, India, North America, Poland, South America, USA, Vietnam etc. Verve and Valiant Limited is established in the year 2012.

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Location Address :
Verve and Valiant Limited
No. 2, Era Road
Ijanikin, Ojo
Lagos, Nigeria

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Phone Numbers
+2348065000100 +2348024747484

Company Message

Verve & Valiant Limited is a limited liability company, duly incorporated with the Corporate Affairs Commission of Nigeria, and registered with the Nigerian Export Promotion Council, to carry out business as exporters, consultants and brokers/agents. The Management team has over 20 years of cognate experience in agro commodity export. With an excellent network of major players and our fervent quest for excellence, we are endeared with goodwill and trust in the global agro commodity trade.


Sales, Purchase, Exporting & Importing Regions
  • List is given below
  • Major Spices

    Spice Forms Ground Spice, Whole Spice
    Seasonings / Spice Blends / Spice Mix


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