JH Green India Initiatives Ernakulam Kerala India - Spice Exporters Manufacturers Suppliers Wholesalers

JH Green India Initiatives

Ernakulam Kerala India

JH Green India Initiatives is located at Ernakulam in India, Kerala . They are Spice Exporters, Spice Suppliers, Spice Traders, Spice Wholesalers of Bay Leaves, Black Pepper, Cardamom, Cinnamon, Clove, Ginger, Green Cardamom, Green Pepper, Honey, Nutmeg, Turmeric, Vanilla etc. in Whole Spice forms. Their main business regions are Asia, Canada, Europe, GCC, Iran, Kuwait, Middle East, Nepal, North America, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, UAE, UK United Kingdom, USA etc. The company achieved FSSAI, Spices Board - India certificates. JH Green India Initiatives is established in the year 2021.

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Location Address :
JH Green India Initiatives
8/342-a2, Jas Centre
Sankar Nagar, Behind BMW Showroom
Kannadikaadu, Maradu, Ernakulam
Kerala, 682304

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Company Message

The best agricultural products have been hand-selected by JH Green India Initiatives from this stunning Western Ghats foothill. This has been the residence of diverse agricultural products for ages and is one of India’s greatest granaries. Agriculture from these areas is distinctive for its natural flavour and scent, and it has quickly integrated into world cuisine.We also support organic & GAP(Good Agricultural Practice) certified farming in every way possible. In order to enhance competitiveness of Indian spices in the international market, the QCI had launched the INDGAP scheme for small and marginal farmers in Sept 2014. We are associated with India’s first INDGAP certified farmer group for on-farm production and post-production processes, resulting in safe and healthy products while taking into account economic, social and environmental sustainability. The project is conceived with multiple objectives such as, Quality assurance, Agro biodiversity, Traceability, GAP certification, Mapping of sustainable development goals, Ensuring social security and Export promotion and sustainable exports.


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