Shree Exportex Vadodara Gujarat India - Spice Exporters

Shree Exportex

Vadodara Gujarat India

Shree Exportex is located at Vadodara in Gujarat, India . They are Spice Exporters of Cardamom, Cinnamon, Clove, Cumin Seeds, Nutmeg, Saffron etc. in Whole Spice forms. Their main business regions are Asia, GCC, Malaysia, Middle East, North America, Saudi Arabia, Thailand, USA etc. Shree Exportex is established in the year 2019.

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Location Address :
Shree Exportex
4, 1st Floor, Shree Krishna Complex,
Harni Road,
Vadodara – 390 006
Gujarat India

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Company Message

Established in the year 2019, we, “Shree Exportex”, are involved in exporting Indian spices. We have a varied experience of the Indian market and good knowledge of serving the customers globally to their satisfaction. A concise summary of our products and services are mentioned on our website .


Spice Exporters
Sales, Purchase, Exporting & Importing Regions Asia, GCC, Malaysia, Middle East, North America, Saudi Arabia, Thailand, USA

Major Spices

Cardamom, Cinnamon, Clove, Cumin Seeds, Nutmeg, Saffron
Spice Forms Whole Spice


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