CV. Aryasatya Mandiri
Gresik East Java Indonesia
CV. Aryasatya Mandiri is located at Gresik in Indonesia . They are Spice Exporters, Spice Manufacturers, Spice Producers of Mace, Nutmeg etc. in Whole Spice form. Their main business regions are Asia, GCC, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Middle East, Saudi Arabia etc. The company achieved FSSAI, HALAL certificates. CV. Aryasatya Mandiri is established in the year 2015.
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Location Address :
CV. Aryasatya Mandiri
Pergudangan Meiko Abadi 6, No. B19 Driyorejo,
Gresik, East Java, Indonesia
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Phone Numbers
+6281320000286 +628122759596
Sales, Purchase, Exporting & Importing Regions
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